The complete chloroplast genome of Oxybasis glauca (L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch (Amaranthaceae) as the first chloroplast genome in genus Oxybasis

Mitochondrial DNA Part B, Resources 5 (2): 1410–1412

Yongsung Kim, Youngjae Chung & Jongsun Park*
Genbank accessions MK814481  | 
Oxybasis glauca (L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch is an annual halophyte. In this study, we presented complete chloroplast genome of O. glauca as the first chloroplast genome of genus Oxybasis, which is 151,655 bp long and has four subregions: 83,759 bp of large single-copy (LSC) and 17,914 bp of small single-copy (SSC) regions are separated by 24,991 bp of inverted repeat (IRs) regions including 129 genes (84 protein-coding genes, 8 rRNAs, and 37 tRNAs). The overall GC content of the chloroplast genome is 36.9\% and those in the LSC, SSC, and IR regions are 34.7, 30.4, and 42.8\%, respectively. Phylogenomic tree shows that O. glauca belongs to tribe Atripliceae forming a monophyletic clade with genus Chenopodium and Atriplex.