We have responsibility for increasing social values via correct motivation.
Infoboss will become the best sustainable company in the world by achieving
the harmonious and healthy life based on the philosophy, harmonious with nature.

  • Mission

    To bring the best usable data to custermers
    for healthy life via plant utilziation

  • Vision

    To suggest a new sustainable industrial paradigm
    via discovering plant values
    using science and technology

Core Value

  • Endless efforts
    for customers

    We will make endless efforts to
    promote the company's value
    through systematic customer
    satisfaction management and
    become a company that
    sustains to grow.

  • Correct

    We will keep correct thinking because
    we believe that correct thinking
    and actions yield correct results.
    Our duty is to think and act correctly
    for the company profile.

  • Sharing
    with others

    We aim to contribute to society
    by sharing our core values with others.
    We will conduct sharing
    them with a humble heart.


  • 1 Horizontal

    The communication-centered
    manner with a free atmosphere
    based on the attitude of
    respect of others.

  • 2 Free use of

    One month special vacation
    for 3-year continuous service

  • 3 Innovation

    Continuous and regular
    discussions for finding
    new business areas

  • 4 Supports

    Supports books from diverse areas
    for self-development, discussions
    and education programs
    in related fields.


ESG Strategies
for SDGs

Industrial growth and conservation of
environment can be achieved at the same time?
Here is the answer of Infoboss.

  • Natural Capital

    Natural Capital means economic, ecological, and social gains from
    ecosystem through the sustainable growth by protecting biodiversity
    and natural environment.

  • Discovering
    the value of
    plant resources

    We are overcoming the technical limitation of current scientific technologies for utilization
    of plant resources. Would it really that plants effectiveness is limited to what we have
    known till now? Some useful plant resources scientifically not verified yet to be useful
    could be in danger of extinction and lost to us forever.

    Plant genomes are more complex and diverse than human genome because plants have
    evolved in various environments for a long time.

    Based on this characteristics of plant genomes, we applied AI-based genome analysis
    technologies to discover novel and useful effectiveness of plant resources which have not
    been uncovered yet.

    It is a starting point of Meta-Series.

  • Meta-Series

    Meta-Series increases industrial values of plant resources by analyzing genomes of plants,
    from roadside plants we don’t know their name to mosses at offshore island. Novel
    industrial values discovered from plant resources can be combined with your technologies
    to make products for healthy life.

  • The economy
    that protection
    and restoration
    of biodiversity
    and ecosystems

    As the Nagoya Protocol under the Convention on Biological Diversity come into force in
    2018, it became a touchstone to address global wealth inequality problem by appreciating
    and sharing the potential economic value of plant resources.

    Infoboss will take the lead in discovering plant resources that can be applied to various
    industries in a systematic and scientific way by utilizing interdisciplinary relational data
    bases related to plants and AI-based genome analysis solutions.

    Infoboss creates a world of harmonious life with the nature
    by conserving the natural environment with utilizing technologies

MembersWe are Welcome to your passions!

  • Executive
  • Janghyuk Son

    co-representative / CEO
  • Jongsun Park

    co-representative / CTO
  • New Business Department
  • Jongwon Hong

    Patent Attorney
  • System Development Department

    Director of the Infoboss R&D Center
  • Management Support Department
  • Aeran Kang

  • Biodiversity Information Team
  • Donghee Ryu

    Assistant Researcher
  • Bioinformatics Team
  • Mangi Kim

    Assistant Researcher
  • Yeonwoo Jung

  • Bio-Chemoinformatics Team
  • Jaesang Park

    Junior Researcher
  • Jeongmin Lee

  • Sumin Choi

  • Artificial intelligence Development Team
  • Seongeon Kim

  • Solution Development Team
  • Jaesun Kim



  • Research Cooperation

    / Stage for discovering plant resources

  • Preparation of Plant Resources

    Seoul National University | Prof. Chang
    Mokpo National University | Prof. Kim
    Shingo Botanic Garden | Prof. Jeon

  • Investigation of Useful Compounds
    from Biological Resources

    Ewha Womans University | Prof. Jang
    Korean National Open University | Prof. Kim
    SungKyunKwan University | Prof. Kim
    The Katholic University of Korea | Prof. Kim

  • Experiments of Extracts

    KIST | Dr. Kang
    Seoul National University | Prof. Oh

  • AI-based Data Analyses

    Seoul National University | Prof. Zhang
    SungKyunKwan University | Prof. Kang

  • Bioinformatic Analysis

    Seoul National University | Chair Prof. Lee
    Chonnam National University | Prof. Park

  • Research Development

    / Validation

  • Korea Institute of Science and Technology / Asan Medical Center / Seoul National University / SahmYook University
    JungWoon University / Chung-Ang University Hospital / Institute for Basic Science

  • Global network

    / Industrialization

  • Europe

    Aalto University, Finland

  • USA

    KAPAL (Korean-American Professional
    Association in Life Science)

  • 아시아

    Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center, India

  • 국제기구

    (Botanic Gardens Conservation International)



  • 신기술(NET) 인증서


  • 소프트웨어사업자 일반현황 관리확인서

  • 인공지능기술 인증서(MetaPre-AI)

  • 인공지능기업 인증서

  • 중소기업 확인서

  • 벤처기업확인서(2022)

  • 우수 기업부설연구소 지정서

  • 제53회 하이테크어워드 바이오AI 부문 대상

  • ISO9001 인증서

  • KOLAS 인증서


  • 2021년 기술평가 우수기업 인증서(TI-2)

  • 지역사회공헌인정 증명서

  • "데이터바우처 지원사업" 공급기업 지정 확인서

  • 디지털 뉴딜 우수성과 창출기업

  • 연구산업진흥유공 표창


  • 기술혁신형 중소기업(Inno-Biz) 확인서

  • 벤처기업확인서

  • 저작권등록증


  • 연구개발서비스업 신고증


  • 생물다양성관리기관 지정증


  • 기업부설연구소 인정서

Contact Us

Infoboss. Inc

3F, 670, Seolleung-ro,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul (06088)

+82 2 6341 1185

When using public transportation(3 minutes walk total)

  • 1. Move to Exit 1 of Gangnam-gu Office Station (Suin-Bundang Line, Line 7) in the station.
  • 2. After entering Exit 1 of Gangnam-gu Office Station (Suin-Bundang Line, Line 7), move 97m (Hakdong-ro).
  • 3. Arrived at the Hae-un Building (3F, 670, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul).

Contact to mail